Friday, May 17, 2013

The Second Day: May 17, 2013

Last night we took Finnegan outside to let out some of his energy and to play some more with Triton. 

He had lots of fun! The best moment of the night was definitely when he and Triton cuddled on the lawn. 

Cutest. Puppies. Ever.

Not too long after, the rest of my family took Triton to the lake to let him have some of their undivided attention. Meanwhile, I was home with the poopy.  

Earlier that day we had discovered that Finnegan was mesmerized by music. So when I turned the TV on to American Idol, I was hardly surprised at how enthralled he was.

(Staring at the TV... He's wondering how on earth Angie didn't win. It makes no sense to him) 

A couple of hours later we put him down for the night. At first he had trouble in his crate but once we realized he needed to poop and wasn't just crying to get out, he was fine. He went to sleep around 11:30 and slept without interruption until 6:00 am.

UNTIL 6:00 AM.

At exactly 6:00 am, on his own, he starts crying like there's no tomorrow. So I go to open the crate to take him out AND HIS BUM IS SOAKING WET. AND HIS TAIL IS WAGGING REALLY HARD, FLINGING PEE EVERYWHERE. Talk about gross.

I wrapped him in a towel and took him downstairs.  With Triton, I feed him first and then potty him, but I didn't want to risk another accident with Finnegan.  We got leashed and went outside where he peed and pooed! I was so happy hahahaha!! 
When I brought Finnegan back in the house to feed him, Triton was there. So I let Triton out to do his business. Meanwhile, I got Finnegan his food. Now, everything was going fine and dandy until Triton came back in the house. It's not like what happened next was Triton's fault. In fact, I'm going to blame Kristin for not helping me OR keeping Triton upstairs.

Finnegan was eating his food when Triton came back in. I thought the baby was pretty occupied with that so I fed Triton. However, as soon as Finnegan saw Triton eating the big boy food, he wanted it. And there was nothing that was going to stop him from getting it.  Finnegan bolted for Triton's food. Now, even though he's 8 weeks old, and what 15 pounds?, that baby can move. He ran to Triton's bowl and started wolfing down his food. Naughty. I picked him up and put him back in front of his own bowl.  But this baby was DETERMINED to get to that food.  He tried to run back over to Triton but in the process somehow managed to spill his own food dish, go running into the water bowl, knock it over, and get himself completely soaked.  
Everything was wet. Triton was really confused and annoyed, and the baby was having the time of his life.  I stuck Finnegan in a blocked off room (he was very upset and whined until I came back for him) and started to clean up the mess.  It seriously took like 5 minutes. And the whole time Triton just sat there making this face at me like he found the whole situation hilarious. Jerk. 

When that was done I grabbed Finnegan and took him up for a bath.  Now, he may be pretty naughty right now, but that puppy is the best bath taker in the world. He just sat there, and I think he might have enjoyed it! 

I guess Finnegan was pretty wiped out after all his naughtiness, because he fell asleep right after his bath, and hasn't moved for the past 2 hours (well he got up like twice but both times lasted like 2 minutes soooo). 

He was like this for like 10 minutes. I don't even know. 

For the rest of the day we played and cleaned up his accidents.  He's gotten to the point where he'll bark or cry if he needs to to out, which is sooooo nice. So the number of accidents are considerably less than yesterday's.  

Tomorrow we're going to the Utah Blind Center because Guide Dogs is coming to talk about new rules and protocols.  Finnegan gets to go so it will be his first official outing! We're really excited!!  I'm about to put him down and I'm hoping he'll sleep as well as he did last night, and hopefully his internal alarm won't go off at 6 am! 

Here are some pictures of the fun we had today! 

He LOVES the tug rope!

The brothers are sleeping(:

Tried to take cute pictures. It didn't work.

Awwwwww, baby <3

For more cuteness follow Finnegan on Instagram! @finnegangdbpuppy

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